Tuesday, August 21, 2007

New School Year, Back to Blogging

Well, I haven't written all summer, but I've been too busy doing other things. Now it's a new school year, and I have library school related things to share. The most important is that this semester, I'm taking an online management class that will involve blog posts--a ready made way to keep using this blog! Many, if not most of my future posts this semester will therefore have to do with management.

Before I start with management posts, however, here are some fun summer pictures:

In July, we were hardly in NC at all. We first traveled to Montreal, where Mark took an organ class and I explored and practiced my French. Here's a pretty picture of the Hotel de Ville (City Hall) and a picture of me in front of the public library!

In between trips, I made my sister come down for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Release. We made a whole weekend of it, getting our books, reading all day, and then going to the newest HP movie. Here we are at the Borders waiting around with all the other crazy people.

Our final trip was to London and Edinburgh, courtesy of my parents, who were celebrating my dad's retirement. Mark took a postcard perfect picture of the Edinburgh castle, as seen from Princes' Street Gardens.

And now, back to library school...

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